Mt. Hebron Baptist Church was faced with the challenge of keeping leaders and members involved outside of service times.

"Small groups have really been the challenge. RightNow Media has been able to bridge that gap."

RNM Church Location Stat
Organization Location
Garland, TX
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RightNow Media Most Watched Series
Most Watched
Adult Series
Anchors for the Soul
RightNow Media Most Watched Kids Series
Most Watched
Kids Series

Mt. Hebron Baptist wanted a solution to help members regularly participate in Bible studies and spend time focusing as a small group.


“Small groups have really been the challenge. RightNow Media has been able to bridge that gap so people can pick and choose what they want. We encourage people to use RightNow Media for their personal devotion.”


Mt. Hebron also uses RightNow Media to disciple their children and youth members. The RightNow Media parenting content has been a great resource for equipping families in their day-to-day lives.


“If we can encourage the parents to use the videos and the training that they have for the children, that can go a long way in changing people’s attitudes and wanting to be more involved in the church.”




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