RightNow Media is a source for in-church and at-home discipleship.

“Our families have really been using it for their younger kids. We have planned a few different studies and several kids have already gone through them several times at home on their own time. This is a GREAT thing!”

RNM Church Location Stat
Organization Location
Webb City, MO
RNM Church Size Stat
Organization Size
RightNow Media Subscriber
Subscriber Since
October 2018
RightNow Media Most Watched Series
Most Watched
Adult Series
Living Generously
RightNow Media Most Watched Kids Series
Most Watched
Kids Series
Seeds Family Worship

Servant’s Church in Webb City, Missouri serves sixty people in their congregation. Senior Pastor Chad DeGonia launched RightNow Media in 2018 to serve as the source for both in-church and at-home discipleship.

Servant’s Church found out about RightNow Media from the district office of their organization. They provided access for all of the ministry leaders in their network. After testing out the library and calculating the ever-increasing cost of study materials, the board at Servant’s Church decided to get a subscription of their own.

“RightNow Media has enabled our church to pay a low monthly price for material that fits every age group in our church. Everyone has unlimited access to quality biblical materials available anywhere, including their own homes. As a pastor, I personally enjoy being able to use the RightNow Media App while working out at the gym or traveling.”

Since switching to RightNow Media for nearly all their curriculum, Servant’s Church has been able to:

  • Cut costs that were previously spent on obtaining quality biblical videos and studies.
  • Connect their people with unlimited access to a wide range of biblical materials.
  • Streamline discipleship in their church by making content available anywhere, including at home and on the go.
“Since getting RightNow Media, we have incorporated the library into our children’s, youth, and adult ministries. In our youth ministry, many are being challenged by the content found in the Youth and Young Adult Libraries. Students are able to preview what is coming up at home or on their phones and then be prepared for Wednesday nights.

“In our kid’s ministry, they use RightNow Media for both worship and lessons. Not only do kids watch these lessons in church, but they are also watching at home. We even have two different families that are using RightNow Media in their day-to-day homeschool lessons for their children.

“For adults, our favorite study has been Loving Generously, Living Generously, and Leading Generously. This series has been perfect for our Wednesday night Bible study. As a pastor, I use a lot of the video elements in my sermons as an intro or to simply start the service with a funny clip.”
-Chad DeGonia, Senior Pastor

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