RightNow Media serves as a source for Pleasant Valley's LifeGroup curriculum.

“We launched RightNow Media as our new curriculum for LifeGroups. We now have people using RightNow Media on their long commutes to work. Some of our people watch videos while at work. We are no longer getting comments about people ‘not being discipled.’”

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Organization Location
Brodheadsville, PA
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RightNow Media Subscriber
Subscriber Since
July 2019
RightNow Media Most Watched Series
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Adult Series
The Quest for Authentic Manhood
RightNow Media Most Watched Kids Series
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Kids Series

Pleasant Valley Assemblies of God in Brodheadsville, Pennsylvania serves over one hundred people in their congregation. Youth and family pastor Andre Anderson launched RightNow Media in July of 2019 to serve as the source for their LifeGroup curriculum.

Andre and his wife used RightNow Media at their previous church so they were familiar with the platform. After looking at the culture of Pleasant Valley, they saw an opportunity to improve curriculum accessibility for church members.

“We live in a unique area. Everything is twenty to forty minutes away and many of our members have long commutes, so getting people to commit to LifeGroups was nearly impossible. With RightNow Media, our LifeGroup leaders are able to pick what study they want to host. People signed up for their group based on the content and not who was leading it. We even have people using the audio-only feature on the RightNow Media app during their commutes.”

Since launching RightNow Media, Pleasant Valley Assemblies of God has been able to:

  • Streamline the discipleship of their church.
  • Connect their people with up-to-date Bible studies from premier leaders in the church.
  • Increase attendance in and engagement with their LifeGroup program.
  • Provide resources for the Spanish-speaking community within their church.
“Our Spanish-speaking members love that there is Spanish-speaking content readily available. We have been able to show love to and appreciate this community through the resources we are able to provide them through RightNow Media.”

Pleasant Valley also encourages their people to make use of RightNow Media beyond LifeGroups and at home.

“Instead of their kids watching YouTube videos, parents are now having their children get on the RightNow Media app to watch biblically based kids’ content. Since switching to RightNow Media, we no longer get comments about people ‘not being discipled.’”
– Andre Anderson, Youth and Family Pastor

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