Custom Invite Link

We know that you, as a leader, bear a heavy responsibility and desire to leave no one in your community behind. RightNow Media can equip everyone in your church like never before—all that's left is giving them access. Check out these practical tips to ensure no one in your church is left behind.
Link a banner on your site
You can use the power of your church’s website to direct members to your RightNow Media video libraries.  Just add an image to your site that links to your custom invite page.  Members can then simply visit your site, click on the image, and get to work setting up their account.
Email the link to your church
Emailing is a great way to stay in contact with your congregation. Send a quick email to introduce them RightNow Media. Simply paste your custom invite link into your email. Direct your congregation to click the link and fill out the account sign-up form to get started.
Send a text message to your church
Emailing is a great way to stay in contact with your congregation. Send a quick email to introduce them RightNow Media. Simply paste your custom invite link into your email. Direct your congregation to click the link and fill out the account sign-up form to get started.
Put your link on a bulletin insert
The weekly bulletin is a great place to share your custom invite link. You’re putting the message of RightNow Media right into your congregation’s hands. These bulletins will travel home with your members and remind them to get started.

Project the link at your service
For a (literally) bigger message, you can project your custom invite link at your next service. Just type out the link and share it on the big screen for all of the members to have a chance to hear about it first-hand. This is a great opportunity to tell your congregation about the various ways they can use RightNow Media.

Hand out cards after your service
As a take-home reminder, you can create small cards—featuring your custom invite link—to pass out to your congregation. Your members can take the cards home where they’ll have a chance to start creating their accounts. They can also hold onto the cards to remember the church’s RightNow Media link.

hang posters with the link
Use the hallways of your church to announce everyone’s free access to RightNow Media. Consider using a QR code for easier access. Create one for your custom invite link online using a free QR code generator, then let your members scan it off of your posters. They won’t have to remember to log in when they get home—they can get started right then and there.

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